Our platform
Our all-in-one influencer marketing platform
Find the right influencers
Find the right influencers who truly gel with your brand
Manage Relationships
Manage influencers campaigns and relationship in one place
Chrome Extension
Analyse influencer statistiques directly from your browsers
Influencer Reporting
Campaign reporting and content collection - flick the switch the autopilot
Analyze the competition
Outsmart the competition with our listening module
Our prices
Find the right plan for your influencer marketing strategy
Industry Rankings
Discover the leaders in different industry sectors on Instagram or TikTok.
The latest news and trends from the world of Influence Marketing
Our free tool to estimate influencer rates
Free Resources
Our latest studies, reports and whitepapers about Influencer Marketing
Top Influenceurs
The most important influencers by city, network and interest
Tiktok calculator
Estimate the price and EMV of TikTok influencers worldwide with our new tool
Our Webinars
Everything you need to know about Influencer Marketing in our webinars
Guidelines and definitions for responsible influencer marketing
Our commitments
Sustainability and Social Responsibility at Kolsquare
Tech for Good
Our product features and developments to make informed decisions
Carbon footprint
Measure your carbon footprint with our personalised calculator
No fluff, only good stuff!